Year: 2017

主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年12月24日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: #111 新生王歌 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 132

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: #168 是否將一切獻上 Is Your All On The Altar

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 平安 Peace 路加福音Luke 2:8~14

金句 Today’s Scripture:
在至高之處榮耀歸於 神!在地上平安歸於祂所喜悅的人! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. 路加福音 Luke 2:14

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年12月17日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: #179 天父必看顧你 God will take care of you

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 131

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: # 58谷中百合花 The Solid Rock

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 耶穌基督降生的震撼 Shocking by Jesus Christ’s Birth 馬太福音 Matthew 2: 1 ~ 12

金句 Today’s Scripture:
他回答說、『你要盡心、盡性、盡力、盡意、愛主你的 神.又要愛鄰舍如同自己。』 在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人。He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 路加福音 Luke 10:27

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年12月10日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: #113 天使歌唱在高天 Angels We Have Heard on High

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 130

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: # 58谷中百合花 The Lily of the Valley

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 耶穌基督降生的震撼 Shocking by Jesus Christ’s Birth 馬太福音 Matthew 2: 1 ~ 12

金句 Today’s Scripture:
在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人。Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests. 路加福音 Luke 2:14

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年12月3日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: # 111 新生王歌 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 129

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: # 97 基督降生 The First Noel the Angel Did Say

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 生命的跨越 Transcendence of life 約伯記 Job 42:5

金句 Today’s Scripture:
我從前風聞有你、現在親眼看見你。My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 約伯記 Job 42:5

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Christmas Celebration 圣诞庆祝晚会

Omaha Chinese Christian Church cordially invites brothers, sisters and friends to attend our 2017 Christmas Celebration party.

Time: 5 pm, December 9th, 2017

地点:奥马哈华人基督教会 4618 S 139 St Omaha NE 68137
Place: Omaha Chinese Christian Church 4618 S 139 St Omaha NE 68137

Programs: Dinner, Hymn, Drama, Christmas Gift, Many more

Click the link below to find detailed information:

宣传单 Flyer

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感恩节聚会 Thanksgiving Celebration

感恩节聚会将于十一月二十三日十点半开始, 有诗歌和感恩分享。十二点开始感恩节午餐, 有火鸡,传统菜和甜点。欢迎大家参加!
Thanksgiving Celebration will start at 10:30 am, Nov 23. There are thanksgiving testimonies. Lunch with turkey, Chinese dishes and dessert will be served at 12 pm. Everybody is invited!

如需要接送,请联系: 乔志松:617-833-7785
If you need a ride, please contact Zhi-song Qiao: 617-833-7785.

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年11月19日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: #377 數主恩惠 Count your blessings

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 127

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: #387活著為耶穌 Living for Jesus

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 感恩 Thanksgiving 路加福音 Luke 17:11~19

金句 Today’s Scripture:
凡事謝恩.因為這是 神在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的旨意。Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:18

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年11月12日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: #119 有一活泉 There is a fountain

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 126

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: #179 天父必看顧你 God will take care of you

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 人生的危機 The Crisis of Human Nature 使徒行傳 Acts 16:25~34

金句 Today’s Scripture:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 約翰福音 John 16:33

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主日崇拜 Sunday Worship (2017年11月5日)

頌讚 Hymns of Praise: # 28 往天行走 We’re Marching to Zion

啟應經文: Responsive Reading 詩篇 Psalm 124

奉獻 Tithes and Offering: # 181 倚靠耶穌永遠膀臂 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

證 道 主 題 Sermon Title: 神的眷顧與人的性格 The Providence of God and Man’s Character 傳道書 Ecclesiastes 7:15-29

金句 Today’s Scripture:
我所找到的、只有一件、就是 神造人原是正直、但他們尋出許多巧計。This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes. 傳道書 Ecclesiastes 7:29

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