
我們目標: Our goals:由愛神,愛人,愛傳福音;以致成全聖徒,鞏固家庭,宣揚基督的目標達成


Loving people is reflected in various relationships at home and in our fellowships…so that everyone attends a fellowship and everyone is cared for


Loving people: Starting from own family, every family should have a daily or at least weekly altar worship. Set up a Bible reading and prayer routine. Engaged with church activities of whole-year Bible reading, establishing a family altar and three-person-love-fire sharing, families are encouraged to attend the church altars (Wednesday prayer meetings, weekday noon prayers, etc);  Effectively use prayerful Bible reading in order to experience God. We encourage everyone to actively participate in fellowships. The church will put more focus on the reminding of and passing on the values of Christianized families. So that we achieve this goal: everyone attends a fellowship and everyone is cared for.